Engineering Innovative Solutions
Using natural methods and innovative engineering to solve pressing environmental and social problems
Building Bioreactor Gardens
Biroreactor gardens naturally treat septic wastewater using natural processes of plants, soil, and microbial activity.
Proper septic treatment saves coral reefs, protects human communities & preserves the environment.
Building Wood Chip Bioreactors
Wood chip bioreactors treat runoff wastewater using natural filtration and microbial processes.
Filtering runoff before it reaches the waterways removes excess nutrients and protects watersheds, the environment & human communities.
Building Mobile Solar Farm Fridges
Off-grid power helps farmers reduce post-harvest losses and bring high-quality produce and farm goods to market.
This resilience technology assists farmers and improves community food security.
The First Non-Research Phosphorous Sorbing Filter in the Country
Application of these novel filters protects watersheds by absorbing runoff of phosphorus before it reaches local waterways.
High phosphorous levels promote algal blooms that create ecological “dead zones.”
Filtering runoff before it reaches the waterways removes excess nutrients and protects the watershed & the health of local communities.