Many watersheds with nutrient reduction plans offer Pay-for-Performance funding models. We work with landowners and operators in these areas. We design, build, install, and monitor the system. The landowner agrees to site access and a 20-year lease of a parcel the footprint of the bioreactor garden and leach field. Maintenance is typically occassionally mowing the verdant grasses over the leach field. Any further maintenance is our responsibility, not the landowners. There is no cost to the landowner or operator for installing this system beyond providing land access, and there are benefits in significant nutrient reduction, passively improving compliance with EPA regulations. This model is appropriate for wastewater facilities, CAFO operators, landowners with high-nutrient spring heads on their land, and more.
Municipal Consultation
We offer expert consultation on wastewater system regulations and design approvals. In many cases, approving right-sized technology and nature-based systems improves performance far beyond the capabilities of gray-only infrastructure. Consulting on best practices for gray-green infrastructure hybrids supports municipalities and other entities in meeting and exceeding regulatory requirements, protecting watersheds and protecting community health.